Geography of Iğdır
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North and northeast boundary of Iğdır consists of Aras River and the Turkey-Armenia boundary created by this river. There are Nakhcevan Autonomous Republic boundary of Turkey - Azerbaijan on its east side and Turkey - Iran boundary on the southeast side. There is Ağrı on its south (Doğubayazıt and Taşlıçay districts). This boundary consists of Karasu-Aras mountain chain which are the extension of East Taurus Mountains approximately. While these mountains are expanding into east side, they create a boundary between Upper Side of Murat - Van and Erzurum - Kars. Iğdır is located within the Aras River Basin totally. While the basaltic and brown lands have a large area to extend around Tuzluca, alluvial lands prevails in Iğdır Lowland and salty lands prevail in East Iğdır Lowland and Dil Lowland.

The climate of Iğdır is continental climate in the type of Eastern Anatolia. Lowland parts of Iğdır are not affected by the continental climate seen in the other parts of Eastern Anatolia. The most important reason of this fact is that it is on a lower location compared to the high spots such as Ağrı Mountain. Annual average temperature in Iğdır which is located on Iğdır Lowland consisting of a micro-climate with its corner location. The reason why the province is poor in forests are that the lands are considered as the Azonal (Carried) soils. Alkali rate in these soils of which lime rate is respectively high is really high. Therefore, generally halphytes are seen in the lowland. Because Iğdır Lowland has been an important settlement place since the prehistoric eras, natural vegetations has been changed by cultural activities mostly and great majority of the lowland has been turned into an agricultural area. Industrial plants cultivation and fruit growing activities are primary in the areas which can be watered.

Bu kuruluşun Aydınlatma Metni, Kişisel Veri İşleme ve Koruma, Ticari Elektronik İleti İzni, Kişisel Veri Saklama ve İmha ve KVKK Hak Bildirgesi metinleri hakkında Bilgi Almak İçin Tıklayınız