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Ağrı located in the Iran boundary of Turkey is on a tableland which has 1650 altitude. One of the entrance door to the Anatolian, Ağrı has hosted for various civilizations for centuries. The province was named after the Ağrı Mountain which is the highest mountain of Turkey and Europe with its 5.137 mm height. Since it is considered that the Ararat Mountain and Ararat country which has been related to the biblical flood and mentioned in Torah was around Ağrı, Ağrı is called as Ararat by Western people.

Districts: Ağrı province consists of 8 districts including the center district. These are Diyadin, Doğubayazıt, Eleşkirt, Hamur, Patnos, Taşlıçay, Tutak.

Diyadin: The district located on the east of the province and recognized with its hot springs is on 7 km-south of Ağrı-Doğubayazıt road and edge of the Murat river. Davut, Köprü and Yılanlı hot springs which are 7 kilometers away from the district are remedy resources for skin disease, nervous disorders, gastrointestinal and kidney disorders, gynecological diseases, respiratory diseases and especially diseases such as rheumatism and sciatica. Thermal resources have a high potential towards health tourism and greenhouse cultivation and are used in residential heatings currently. In the district which is rich in thermal resources and mineral waters, there are marble and golden mines.

Doğubayazıt: There are Gürbulak boundary door on the east side of Erzurum - İran road which is 93 km east of the city center, Taşlıçay and Diyadin districts on its west side and Ağrı Mountain and Iğdır on the north side, Çaldıran district on the south side. The most significant historical work in the province hosting the Ağrı mountain is İshak Pasha Palace. Also the meteor crater which is at a close location to the Iran boundary, ice cave, Urartu Castle, Bayazıt Mosque, Bayazıt Castle and trace of Noah’s Ship are the places drawing attention in the district. Ahmedi Inn which was named after the person had lived in Doğubayazıt once and which is at a close location to Ishakpasha Palace is the most important inner value of the district. The district which is at the boundary of Iran has very experienced business people in foreign trade. Great majority of the firms carrying out foreign trade in Ağrı is centered in Doğubayazıt. There are numerous business people from Doğubayazıt carrying out commercial business for major cities such as Istanbul and Ankara.

Eleşkirt: Since it is the west edge connecting Murat Valley to Erzurum and is some kind of bridge between Iran, Caucasus and Anatolia, Eleşkirt which was an important location for sovereignty of various civilizations in different periods of history was gained to Ottoman lands in 1514.

Hamur: The district is located in 15 km south of Ağrı and in the route of Ağrı - Van (Erciş) highway, it is on the east side of Murat Valley. The economy of the district has not been improved yet and the most significant economic business field is husbandry.

Patnos: Patnos is located in upper part of Murat-Van in Eastern Anatolia. The significance resulted from the location of the district on the joint point of Ağrı-Van, Ağrı-Muş and Ağrı-Bitlis is increasing day by day. After the center of Ağrı, it is the second biggest district of Ağrı.

Taşlıçay: Located on the middle part of Ağrı, Taşlıçay is separated into two parts with 2000m high mountains in north and south and Murat Valley on the middle part. The terrain is volcanic and the highest point is Koçbaşı Summit which is located on Aladağ in the south.

Tutak: The north of the district is surrounded by Kılıçgedik and Rutan mountains. Murat River, which is one of the two significant branches of Fırat passes through the district center. There are some major and minor streams such as Arabalı, Esmer, Atabindi, Karahalit, Çelebaşı, apart from Murat which passes through northeast to southwest of the district.

Bu kuruluşun Aydınlatma Metni, Kişisel Veri İşleme ve Koruma, Ticari Elektronik İleti İzni, Kişisel Veri Saklama ve İmha ve KVKK Hak Bildirgesi metinleri hakkında Bilgi Almak İçin Tıklayınız