Ardahan Trade and Fair Area Project
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Mali Ardahan Trade and Fair Area Project-, which is owned by Ardahan Provincial Directorate of Industry and Trade and Ardahan Municipality, has been implemented in the city center of Ardahan between 2011 and 2012 within the scope of Small Scale Infrastructure Financial Support Program-1. The project established a commercial area suitable for seasonal conditions in which 73 small-scale tradesmen were employed in Ardahan city center. This area is also intended to be used for fair organizations.

Bu kuruluşun Aydınlatma Metni, Kişisel Veri İşleme ve Koruma, Ticari Elektronik İleti İzni, Kişisel Veri Saklama ve İmha ve KVKK Hak Bildirgesi metinleri hakkında Bilgi Almak İçin Tıklayınız