Erdem İnşaat Capacity Building Project
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The project titled ’Erdem İnşaat Capacity Increase lar, which is owned by Erdem İnşaat-Tekin Erdem, was implemented in Iğdır in 2013-2014.

Erdem Kardeşler, the founders of ERDEM CONSTRUCTION, started trading with briquette production in 1995. In 1996, Portable Wall (Ready-Made Wall) manufacturing, in 1999, added the production of wire poles to the service network and developed the machine park. In 2004, the Company completed a 96,000 m2 Wind Erosion Site project in Iğdır, in the province of Iğdır, within the framework of the EU Grant Program. In 2007, new vehicles and fully automatic machines were purchased,

has become a major manufacturer and dealer. In 2011, the company started its business to iron wrought iron with panel fence and panel fence gates. The company continues to provide services on 3.300 m2 open area and 300 m2 closed area on Iğdır Industrial Estate Road. In 2013, with the project presented to the Agency, a capacity increase was made by taking 4 ton forklift, hydraulic guillotine shear, fence mesh welding machine, fully automatic wire mesh machine. Also ISO 9001 quality management system

The quality of the company is also registered with the certificate. The company serves in Eastern Anatolia and Eastern Black Sea regions and also exports to Nakhichevan and Georgia. The project titled ihracat Erdem Construction Capacity Building ına, which belongs to Erdem Erdem, was implemented in Iğdır in 2013-2014.

Erdem Kardeşler, the founders of ERDEM CONSTRUCTION, started trading with briquette production in 1995. In 1996, Portable Wall (Ready-Made Wall) manufacturing, in 1999, added the production of wire poles to the service network and developed the machine park. In 2004, the Company completed a 96,000 m2 Wind Erosion Site project in Iğdır, in the province of Iğdır, within the framework of the EU Grant Program. In 2007, new vehicles and fully automatic machines were purchased,

has become a major manufacturer and dealer. In 2011, the company started its business to iron wrought iron with panel fence and panel fence gates. The company continues to provide services on 3.300 m2 open area and 300 m2 closed area on Iğdır Industrial Estate Road. In 2013, with the project presented to the Agency, a capacity increase was made by taking 4 ton forklift, hydraulic guillotine shear, fence mesh welding machine, fully automatic wire mesh machine. Also ISO 9001 quality management system

The quality of the company is also registered with the certificate. The company serves in Eastern Anatolia and Eastern Black Sea regions and also exports to Nakhichevan and Georgia.

Bu kuruluşun Aydınlatma Metni, Kişisel Veri İşleme ve Koruma, Ticari Elektronik İleti İzni, Kişisel Veri Saklama ve İmha ve KVKK Hak Bildirgesi metinleri hakkında Bilgi Almak İçin Tıklayınız