Recovering History and Gaining Tourism
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The project titled TRA2-11-İGMD002 / 067, titled Tur Recovering History and Turning to Tourism Alın, was implemented in 2012-2013 in the city center of Kars.

Founded in 1992 to operate in construction-contracting and tourism sectors, the company started work on the restoration of historical buildings in Kars in 2006. The idle building, which was located in the center of Kars in 2011 and which was once used as a birth house and then as a physician's house, was taken over by the company to make a hotel. The total area of ​​use is 1.510 m2. With the support of the Agency, the wood has been renewed mostly from the beginning and the room has been opened with the capacity of 24 rooms and 48 beds with the name of Cheltikov Hotel.

Within the scope of the project, the hotel advertiser web site, directional signage and promotional brochures were made and the hotel employees were trained.

Bu kuruluşun Aydınlatma Metni, Kişisel Veri İşleme ve Koruma, Ticari Elektronik İleti İzni, Kişisel Veri Saklama ve İmha ve KVKK Hak Bildirgesi metinleri hakkında Bilgi Almak İçin Tıklayınız